
Top Level Weaving ‘A Notch Higher’

When it comes to weaving, Via Joe’s believes in precision, versatility, economy and quality. Our weavers pay the highest regard to our values. Precision comes into play when we transfer fabric from desk-loom design development to high-speed air jet loom production. Versatility is necessary because we like to take every weave development challenge head on.

Keeping The Craft Alive

Desk-loom weaving involves the whole body and mind, getting the coordination between hands, feet, eyes and mind is key. Desk-loom artisans belong to a community of hand weavers who have been weaving fabrics for the past centuries. They have the knowledge and knowhow of any weave that allows them to transform a digitally created design

Yarns That Inspire

Yarn is the most basic source of raw material that makes fabric. It literally determines the fate of fabric. Innovation in fabric has to start from sourcing or creating its yarn. An exceptional yarn can become inspiration for developing a new fabric and sometimes a compelling fabric encourages us to backward engineer its appropriate yarn.

Turning fiber into finer fabrics

India has an extensive textile & apparel industry. We were always interested in what happens to waste that is generated from this industry.  This pre-consumer waste is constantly being generated from manufacturing of yarn, fabrics & garments.  Along with our manufacturing partners we introduced the idea of converting this cotton waste into yarn through the