When it comes to weaving, Via Joe’s believes in precision, versatility, economy and quality. Our weavers pay the highest regard to our values. Precision comes into play when we transfer fabric from desk-loom design development to high-speed air jet loom production. Versatility is necessary because we like to take every weave development challenge head on. Economy because every product we produce fits into a required cost structure and, Quality is essential because it creates value.
Air Jet looms create fabric for household and apparel. They are capable of weaving plaids, as well as dobby and jacquard fabrics. Fabrics developed & produced by ViaJoe’s are a class of its own. Whether soft hand organic cotton, low-impact recycled cotton or functional performance blends, Via Joe’s produces the best possible fabric quality at the most competitive cost in all areas. Our Air-jet looms raise the top level of weaving a notch higher.